Year of Learning: A Hand Lettering Milestone

Four months into the year, I’ve stuck with my New Year’s resolution of learning hand lettering, and I’ve completed my first full sketchbook with practice projects. Roughly 150 pages, I practiced nearly every day since I started and have actually gotten better. Furthermore, on my journey, I’ve discovered script calligraphy, which I’m actually not half-bad at. I find myself making time to draw every day, whether it’s lettering or doodling. I make sure I take time away from my screen now. The results aren’t quite at the level I want them to be yet, but I’m so proud of the development of this creative process.

I’ve always been completely dependent on the computer and lacked all confidence when it came to manual art. This exploration of a new activity has helped me become more confident and actually loving creating non-digital artwork. I’ve also noticed that drawing really helps to calm me down when I lead a fast-paced, somewhat anxious life.

I have miles to go before I sleep if I want to really try to master this craft, but maybe I won’t get to that point. It could just be an enjoyable hobby, something I need. I tend to pursue things that I want to incorporate into my business skill set, and it’s really important to have things that I simply just like to do. We’re way too busy in this modern day and age, and it’s important to take time to be. On to the next sketchbook…

My first sketchbook is complete, this was a freebie I got at the HOW Design Conference from a paper vendor's booth.

My first sketchbook is complete, this was a freebie I got at the HOW Design Conference from a paper vendor’s booth.

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My first entry in my sketchbook using faux calligraphy, things really evolve over time.

My first entry in my sketchbook using faux calligraphy, things really evolve over time.