Creative Process: Chocoholic Frolic Invitation Package

The design concept for the Chocoholic Frolic, a fundraising event for a nonprofit here in Colorado Springs.

The design concept for the Chocoholic Frolic, a fundraising event for a nonprofit here in Colorado Springs.

For the last several months, I’ve been working on a freelance project for a nonprofit here in town. I think it’s good to share work and the creative process, especially when you’re a small business like me. The big designers with big clients get all the glory, but the truth is, we small freelancers produce some good design as well and usually on very small budgets. Realistically, that’s what most of us end up working with—small clients with small budgets. But, it shows how good a designer can be when they have to make their designs shine instead of relying on stellar custom photography and high end print techniques.

The nonprofit I did work for, Kidpower, helps provide resources for abused children and provide workshops in schools on how kids can stay safe and be empowered. Once a year, they have a fundraiser called the Chocoholic Frolic that is quite a fancy gala. Local chocolatiers come and have tables of fancy desserts and sculptures, there’s a jazz band and it’s cocktail attire.

In previous years, the organization couldn’t afford a designer and did their best in-house. This year, they found my website online and hired me to take their invitation and event branding to the next level. The save the date card had already gone out, so it was vital I still use the stock photo of the chocolate desserts they’d already purchased. Furthermore, the client wanted me to maintain some design elements from previous years in order to not have it unrecognizable to their attendees.

Finally, I had to make a series of posters that were separated from the event branding that emphasized this year’s theme, “WIsh Upon a Star: Every child, everywhere is confident and safe.” The posters will be displayed at the event and make attendees aware of the organization.

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