My Favorite Things: March 11, 2015

Again, I’m picking my favorite things and again, unlike Oprah, I won’t be giving anything away for free. However, I hope you enjoy the things I recommend and that is present enough, right? Yeah, I’d rather have free stuff too! Hehe.

Just a snippet of my large sneaker collection from Puma.

Just a snippet of my large sneaker collection from Puma.

Puma Kicks

I have a serious, serious obsession with Puma sneakers…or kicks, as our British cousins say. I’ve always been obsessed with shoes, but since I had surgery on my foot a few years ago, my love affair with high heels had to end. I began a new one with sneakers. I really love the Puma line because they aren’t as clunky as our normal athletic shoes. They look more stylish and fashionable, definitely a European soccer shoe style. Plus, they come in a huge variety of fun colors. I’m known to take two pairs and wear two different complimentary colors. I actually prefer the men’s line because they come in more interesting colors and are comfy on my feet.

Staedtler Lead Holder

Looking to learn hand lettering or draw more precise sketches? The Staedtler Lead Holder is an essential tool. The pencil takes 2B or 2H leads and can be sharpened into the finest points, made for making super fine lines and details. I use this to practice my lettering, and it is lightyears ahead of a plain pencil. Most art supply stores sell them, but I got mine on Amazon with free shipping with Prime.

Inside spread from The Traveling Font Salesman by typeface designer, Chank Diesel

Inside spread from The Traveling Font Salesman by typeface designer, Chank Diesel

The Traveling Font Salesman by Chank Diesel

Chank Deisel is a really cool font designer from Minnesota. His fonts are definitely funky and more for display than body copy, but he does some excellent work. He gets his inspiration from old signs and painted buildings or random labels he comes across. I had the pleasure of doing a typography workshop with him in Denver this past fall. He just released his new book, The Traveling Font Salesman. It’s a great coffee table book full of beautiful type.

Small Bites: February 2, 2015

Happy Groundhog Day! Fingers and toes crossed that we get an early spring. Here are some small bites of great design to kick off your week right!

I was at a gourmet food market this weekend in Colorado Springs, and I found this really awesome packaging design for Trailhead Chai. Definitely an appropriate brand for Colorado, but also a great use of color, illustration and typography!

Packaging design on Trailhead Chai tea that I found at a gourmet market in Colorado Springs

Packaging design on Trailhead Chai tea that I found at a gourmet market in Colorado Springs

Going ballistic over this Le Chocolat de Francais packaging design I saw online from Packaging of the World. It’s adorable and so tres, tres francais! Great illustration and vibrant colors.

Get inspired with this great Creative Mornings talk from typographic designer, Chank Diesel. I had the pleasure of seeing him speak in Denver at an AIGA workshop. He’s a talented typographer, nice guy and funny presenter. For font geeks out there, watch this!

Graphic design humor from Creative Bloq: 10 Things You Should Never Say to a Graphic Designer. Sadly, I’m sure we’ve all been here at one point in our careers.

Must call out the cute puppy commercial from Budweiser for the Super Bowl. I know it was released early and probably overly promoted, but I don’t careā€”it’s so cute and sweet, it’s worth watching for the 50th time.

Have a great week!