Small Bites: February 9, 2015

It’s another Manic Monday…wish it were Sunday…Okay, readers, let’s kick off the week with some inspiring design news with these creative small bites. Enjoy!

Designer, Mehmet Gozetlik, is creating a new project, Chinatown. He is making neon signs, like you’d see on the side of a Chinese restaurant, using U.S. company logos and translating them into Chinese. Although they are in a different language and medium than what we’re used to seeing, the brands are still pretty recognizable. But, his project brings up an interesting question: do we need to start designing our logos with the world in mind as we continue to expand?

Print is not dead. Granted, designers have been championing that since the dawn of the digital age, but Print Magazine (yes, I see the irony!) released an interesting article on why print and digital can work together to make a brand stronger.

Fashionistas and we ladies in our 30s will enjoy this lovely infographic shared by Design Taxi this week. It features the most iconic shoes of Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City, one of my favorite TV shows ever.

Geek out designers, here are are the world’s most famous works of art made out of Pantone chips. Enjoy!

Awesome video with a powerful ending on “What is branding?” It has great motion graphics and really helps define branding from the creative side as more than just a hot marketing buzzword.

And finally, a great blog post about nothing to do with design. World traveler Gary Arndt has spent the last 3 years traveling the globe. In this blog post, he shares the 20 things he’s learned. To me, travel is an essential part of being a designer in that we need the world and other cultures to inspire us. Read his list, get your passport and go!

Coffee Time: A Look at Starbucks

I’m a graphic designer, therefore I’m a coffee addict. I wasn’t always, but I’ve become one in the last few years. I’ve gotten a bit snootier and prefer the fancy pants blends of small roasters over the corporate conglomerates, I grind my beans fresh for each cup and I can’t stomach the cheap stuff. But, I do love me some Starbucks on occasion. Nothing beats the rich deliciousness of a peppermint mocha. What I love even more about the green mermaid, though, is the innovative packaging design and great branding behind the corporate giant.

Whether you’re a fan or not or you think they’re evil for pushing out all the neighborhood shops, Starbucks is responsible for some seriously awesome packaging design and runaway brand success.

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