Nice Package: Colorado Microbrews

Colorado is known for their epic plethora of craft beers. We’re home to 147 craft breweries (according to the Brewers Association), which puts us in 4th place for most breweries per capita in the U.S. With great beer, I think, comes great design. The majority of my favorite design pieces are from the liquor industry. Absolut produced iconic print advertising. Budweiser gave us the Clydesdales commercials.  And, craft beers give us some of the best packaging and label design out there.

Because I’m a design geek, I love to go to liquor stores to check out the new packaging designs and take pictures of my favorites. I’ve seen some phenomenally talented illustrators and typographers do fantastic work with labels, carriers and bottles. This weekend, I decided to take pictures of some of the best packaging the Rocky Mountain State had to offer.

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