The 100 Day Project: Days 47 – 53

The Great Discontent’s 100 Day Project is now over half-way complete. Created by artist Elle Luna, the goal is to do something creative every day for 100 days that has a specific focus and helps your creative process grow. Projects include photography, video clips, dance, and drawing. I’ve chosen to do 100 days of travel hand lettering. I’m working hard to improve my lettering skills and showcasing my love of travel.

I’m illustrating one place each day, either a place I’ve visited and loved or somewhere that is on my bucket list to visit in the future. This project is more about the process than the end result, and I am definitely seeing my process improve, even in this short amount of time. Plus, it’s helping me develop a good habit of drawing each day—a soothing exercise I desperately need in my chaotic and busy life.

Last week, I was hitting the wall with this project. I felt stressed having to do the work every day, and I wasn’t super thrilled at the idea of not even being half-way complete. This week, I had an easier schedule, so making the commitment didn’t seem as challenging. Plus, there was something really gratifying about hitting the 50th day. Psychologically it seemed so much more feasible to see I was past day 50 instead of at day 47 or 48.

This week, I started practicing my brushscript again. I think I’ve finally gotten the hang of it, now it’s just a matter of practice. I made it the subject of 3 of my days so I could practice more, and truthfully, it’s pretty fast to get done compared to the other styles. My favorite is Paris. I made it overly elaborate since it was day 50. My plan is to do my 2 most favorite travel spots on the 50th and 100th days, so stay tuned for the last day.

Here are days 47–53. Follow the progress on Instagram under the hashtag “#The100DayProject” and my specific hashtag is “#100DaysofTravelLettering” under my Instagram handle, @noeldolangd.

Day 47: Lucerne, Switzerland I'm obsessed with the Swiss chocolate bars, Toblerone, so I made Lucerne look like their iconic triangular shaped box. Lucerne was a great city to visit and beautiful.

Day 47: Lucerne, Switzerland
I’m obsessed with the Swiss chocolate bars, Toblerone, so I made Lucerne look like their iconic triangular shaped box. Lucerne was a great city to visit and beautiful.

Day 48: South Africa I hope to visit South Africa one day. I want to see the amazing wildlife, experience the rich history of Nelson Mandela's journey to presidency and see the penguins off of Cape Town.

Day 48: South Africa
I hope to visit South Africa one day. I want to see the amazing wildlife, experience the rich history of Nelson Mandela’s journey to presidency and see the penguins off of Cape Town.

Day 49: Argentina I want to eat steak and learn the tango in this beautiful South American country.

Day 49: Argentina
I want to eat steak and learn the tango in this beautiful South American country.

Day 50: Paris is one of my two most favorite places on the planet. Gertrude Stein said, "America is my country, and Paris is my hometown." This is how I will always feel about the City of Lights, and I treasure every visit I've been lucky enough to have there.

Day 50: Paris is one of my two most favorite places on the planet. Gertrude Stein said, “America is my country, and Paris is my hometown.” This is how I will always feel about the City of Lights, and I treasure every visit I’ve been lucky enough to have there.

Day 51: Monacao I'd love to visit this tiny principality and try my luck at the famed casino.

Day 51: Monacao
I’d love to visit this tiny principality and try my luck at the famed casino.

Day 52: High on my bucket list is a Bedouin camel trek across the Sahara. I want to surf on the sand dunes, ride camels and camp in the giant Bedouin tents under a blanket of millions of stars.

Day 52: High on my bucket list is a Bedouin camel trek across the Sahara. I want to surf on the sand dunes, ride camels and camp in the giant Bedouin tents under a blanket of millions of stars.

Day 53: Portland I had to go completely hipster cliche with this design. I represented the food trucks, VoodDoo Donuts, bikes and hipster glasses in this design. Finishing it is a banner done in the style of the TV show, Portlandia. I hope to visit this city one day for the food and to stalk Aaron Draplin!

Day 53: Portland
I had to go completely hipster cliche with this design. I represented the food trucks, VoodDoo Donuts, bikes and hipster glasses in this design. Finishing it is a banner done in the style of the TV show, Portlandia. I hope to visit this city one day for the food and to stalk Aaron Draplin!

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